Deepen your practice, expand your awareness, and develop your reflection.

Coaching supervision offers a safe space for coaches to engage in a dialogue about their practice. The purpose of supervision is threefold: develop one’s coaching capacity, receive support, and maintain high standards of practice and ethics. As an experienced coach, the supervisor is here to facilitate the coach’s reflection and challenge their perspective on their work, their clients and their sessions.
TOPICS FOR supervision
The topics brought to supervision by the coach depend on what is important to them. They have the opportunity to open up about what is on their mind and to share what came up for them during their self-reflective work. Before our first session together we will send you a list of questions to help you prepare. The following list offers examples of supervision topics:
- Issue with a client or during a session
- Ethical dilemma
- Experience of burnout or stress
- Difficulty to prioritise your wellbeing
- Compassion fatigue
- Feeling stuck with a client or in a coaching situation
- Difficulty establishing or maintaining agreements
- Concerns, doubts, or worries related to clients or your coaching practice
- Change you want to see happen in your practice

Meet the Supervisors
Feel free to contact Kate, Nicola, or Marion to enquire about supervision. They will invite you for an initial free conversation to discuss what you are hoping to get from supervision and to answer all your questions before you decide to work with them.
Frequently askeD questions
We believe every coach should start regular supervision at some point in their career.
Initially coaches focus on developing their skills, which mentor coaching can help with. Solely focusing on skills, on the doing of coaching, can put a glass ceiling on the coach’s potential. Supervision is the way to break that ceiling and deepen one’s reflection and understanding of coaching.
Yes, of course! You can reach out to any of our supervisors directly. You’ll meet for a discovery call to meet the supervisor, get clarity on the support you need and whether they are the right supervisor for you.
All sessions are facilitated on Zoom.