5 Coaching Myths Debunked

Coaching is a relatively new field in certain parts of the world. It has its share of misunderstandings from people who’ve never done it. These misconceptions can deter potential clients from trying coaching and experiencing all its benefits. In this article, we will debunk 5 common coaching myths and shed light on the reality of coaching.

MYTH #1: coaching is just for fixing problems

The first myth is the belief that coaching is solely for addressing problems or challenges. While coaching can help people navigate difficult situations and find solutions, its scope goes far beyond problem-solving. Coaching is a tool for personal and professional development, allowing clients to tap into their potential, set meaningful goals, and improve their overall well-being. It’s about fostering growth and self-discovery, not just fixing what’s broken.

MYTH #2: coaching is QUICK & EASY

Coaching is not a magic wand that instantly resolves all issues; it’s an engagement that fosters lasting change. But that lasting change requires hard work from the client. The learning doesn’t just happen in sessions; most of the successes actually happen in the person’s day-to-day. Effective coaching acknowledges that growth takes time and that real, sustainable transformation arises from a commitment to the process. It’s not a shortcut but a holistic approach. Our advice is to beware of anyone who promises a quick and easy life transformation.


Another myth is that coaching is reserved for top-level executives or high-ranking professionals. Coaching is often paid by their employer indeed, but it doesn’t mean coaching is solely for them. Coaching is accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a student, stay-at-home parent, entrepreneur, or professional, a coach can support anyone with their goals. That’s why there are so many niches to choose from.


The notion that coaching is not affordable is a common misbelief. While some coaches may ask for a premium fee, many coaches offer a range of pricing options to accommodate different budgets. Some provide sliding scale fees, discounted packages, or group coaching sessions, making coaching accessible to a broader audience. The return on investment from coaching often surpasses its cost, as clients experience personal and professional growth that leads to long-term benefits. It’s often more costly not to do coaching.


It’s essential to distinguish between qualified and unqualified coaches, because the former do exist. The coaching profession has established standards and accreditation bodies, such as the International Coach Federation (ICF) or the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), to ensure coaches meet rigorous training and ethical requirements. Reputable coaches hold certifications from accredited training programs and adhere to ethical guidelines. When seeking a coach, verify their credentials and certifications to ensure you receive quality coaching services.

Coaching is a resource that goes beyond problem-solving and is for anyone who feels the need to get support. Coaching is not just for senior leaders in companies, it doesn’t have to be expensive, and qualified coaches are readily available to guide you on your journey of personal and professional growth.


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Photo by Sung Shin on Unsplash
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