Collecting feedback from your clients is crucial to identify potential blindspots and improve your practice. But do you have a process you follow for all your clients when it comes to feedback?
In this article, we will share with you the questions you can start asking your clients. You can also download a feedback form template that you can start using with your clients straight away.
By incorporating these questions into your process, you can collect data that will enable you to support your clients and improve their coaching experience.

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The questions you can start asking
Overall satisfaction
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with today’s coaching session?
- How likely are you to recommend this coaching service to others? (1-10 scale)
Session impact
- How effective was the session in helping you achieve your goals? (1-10 scale)
- What specific outcomes or insights did you gain from this session?
About the coach
- How well did the coach listen to you? (1-10 scale)
- How effectively did the coach ask questions that prompted reflection? (1-10 scale)
- How clearly did the coach communicate? (1-10 scale)
About the session
- Was the session well-organised and structured? (Yes/No)
- Was the session duration appropriate? (Too short, Just right, Too long)
- How comfortable did you feel during the session? (1-10 scale)
- What aspects of the session could be improved
- Were there any parts of the session that you found unhelpful?
Client progress
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how much progress do you feel you’ve made toward your goals since starting coaching?
- What obstacles, if any, are still in your way?
- What has been the most significant change you’ve experienced as a result of coaching?
Open-ended questions
- What should the coach stop, start, and continue?
- What did you find most valuable about this coaching session?
- Any additional comments or feedback?
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Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash